十大最好的网赌平台 Writers Series | 十大最好的网赌平台-十大网赌平台推荐

十大最好的网赌平台 Writers Series

Since its creation in 2005, 阿什利霍尔作家系列在位于查尔斯顿市中心的历史悠久的校园里举办了数十位获奖作家. 事件 are generally free and open to the public. 最近的特邀嘉宾包括广受赞誉的艺术评论家 The New Republic 杰德Perl, non-fiction writer and poet Lisa Wells, and award-winning food writer Rossi Anastopoulo ’13.



NOVEMBER 8: 辛迪·安德鲁斯, author and illustrator

An Evening with 辛迪·安德鲁斯
November 8, 2023 | 5:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M. followed by book signing reception
Davies Auditorium


十大最好的网赌平台激动地欢迎回到校园前美术教员和现在的作家, 辛迪·安德鲁斯. In Andrews’ new book, 十大网赌平台推荐带着一个想要拥有自己翅膀的圣诞小装饰品,来一场穿越查尔斯顿历史的旅程. It’s 1882 in the Holy City of Charleston, 一个可爱的手工制作的圣诞天使,名叫恩格尔,年复一年安全地存放在著名的维特家族的阁楼上, 十大最好的网赌平台’s own McBee House. 当一个现代工厂制造的天使带着羽毛翅膀站在树顶时, 恩格尔担心自己无足轻重,于是希望有一双真正的翅膀. 通过命运的讽刺转折,这个小装饰品不知不觉地被丢弃在查尔斯顿港.

恩格尔 充满了历史悠久的查尔斯顿和查尔斯顿生态系统的令人眼花缭乱的插图. 恩格尔穿过当地重要的地标,遇到了短吻鳄, 海豚, 苍鹭, 海龟, and many more along the way. 这些地方和人物结合在一起,给没有翅膀的恩格尔上了宝贵的一课,十大网赌平台推荐自信和在世界上找到自己的位置.

Bringing the Lowcountry to vivid life, 十大网赌平台推荐很高兴地宣布,南卡罗来纳水族馆将现场展示野生动物,包括一只小鳄鱼, turtle and various marsh animals.

Unfortunately this event has been cancelled. To purchase your copy of “恩格尔” click 在这里.



辛迪·安德鲁斯 has lived in Charleston for over thirty years. She recently retired from 十大最好的网赌平台, w在这里 she taught visual art, 艺术历史, European history, and graphic design. As a lover of all things historical, Cindy also loves to cook, kayak the local waterways, golf at the muni, and visit her grandchildren in Mexico City.




SEPTEMBER 20: Marshall Highet and Bird Jones

An Evening with Marshall Highet and Bird Jones
SEPTEMBER 20, 2023 | 6:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M.
Davies Auditorium & 詹金斯心房

Reception and book signing to follow

代际写作团队马歇尔·海耶特和伯德·琼斯将讨论他们共同撰写的书 Blue-Eyed Slave这是一本以查尔斯顿为背景,经过仔细研究的历史青年小说. 活动结束后将举行签售会,展示学生们围绕小说种族主题的研究项目, 宗教, and responsibility.



Book signing sponsored by




Purchase a hardback copy of Blue Eyed Slave. | Purchase a paperback copy of Blue Eyed Slave.


两位女主人公都是13岁的女孩,一个是奴隶,一个是西班牙系犹太人. 他们是坚强的角色,面对不可能的事情,他们有着高度明确的可能性意识. 他们既无畏又恐惧,但决心要度过难关, Harry’s story is stunning.  这是真的,正如我之前所说,几乎完全不为人知. 哈利不顾法律的禁止,教会1000名奴隶读书. 这里有很多事情要做,有很多机会可以讨论, not only the historical record, but the challenges we face today.” –  Bird Jones, author of Blue-Eyed Slave


马歇尔·海耶特之前出版过几部小说和一部短篇小说: 备件, a YA science-fiction novel based on real science; 修改, chapters of which were serially published in Realm, a science-fiction and fantasy literature magazine; and “Fetch,” a short story that will appear in Skelos, 一本科幻小说和黑色奇幻小说出版物. 马歇尔还为海伦·麦金尼斯(Helen MacInnes)再版的小说写了序, an espionage writer of the 1950s, ’60s, 和70年代.

伯德·琼斯是埃隆大学的退休教授,也是一名训练有素的民族志学家. 她对故事和故事收集的热爱把她从阿巴拉契亚带到中亚. 她在学术期刊上发表了大量文章,并在会议上发表了演讲. 她的书 And That’s the Way of It: Life in a Maine Village became a popular read in Down East Magazine, 是沿海独立书店挑选的最好的书吗, and was featured on Maine Public Radio. Together, Bird and Marshall wrote 持守, a historical novel. Blue-Eyed Slave is their second collaboration.

Learn more about Highet and Jones

史密斯街停车场有停车位. Please enter through the Smith Street gate. 


十大最好的网赌平台 is a K-12 independent school for girls, with a co-ed preschool, 致力于有才华和多样化的学生群体. 十大网赌平台推荐考虑录取任何种族、肤色、宗教、民族或民族出身的学生.
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